October Odyssey

Stories, New Project Sneak Peek and Essen highlights.

Dear Boardcubator fans,

We hope you’re having a fantastic time playing board games and enjoying the stories it has to tell. In the last newsletter, we challenged you to send us stories about the impact of board games on your lives. We received great stories from you and enjoyed reading tales that touched on topics such as the usage of board games in education, skills learning, therapy, or “simply” a tool that can help shape friendships. In light of your contribution, we can’t wait to share our own news with you.


Here’s a brief overview of this newsletter:

  • Blog launch – New section on our website dedicated to stories from our community and providing updates on the latest happenings at Boardcubator
  • Write and win  – Share your story and win Project L all-in bundle
  • Project L conclusion – Project L wrap up and a special sneak peek into a new project
  • Board game fair in Essen  – Retelling of our time in Essen

Sharing the Impact of Board Games

Our recent call for stories has evoked an incredible response from you – our community.  All the stories were truly inspiring and we wanted to show them to the rest of the world. It is because of this we decided to launch a new blog section.  Here we will share your stories that showcase the impact of board games beyond its role as “just” a  game.

The new blog is also meant to be a space to share what we are doing, where you can meet us and what we are planning next. You can explore this new section by following this link: https://www.boardcubator.com/blog/.

We would love to receive more stories about how board games can change lives from you. Share more of your stories with us by sending an email to stories@boardcubator.com or to the #bg_stories channel discord channel and have a chance to win the all-in bundle of Project L. The deadline for story submissions is on November 1st.

Project L: After Kickstarter

The Kickstarter campaign has ended, and Project L  is on its way to those of you who supported us. But there’s news on the horizon. We have something special simmering in our board game kitchen. For your continued support, we wanted to give you an exclusive first look at this project before anyone else. What do you think it might be? Share your tips and guesses into the discord channel.

The Spiel experience

Essen has evidently returned to its pre-COVID era, at least in terms of visitor numbers. Some attendees rushed through the corridors immediately after the opening to get their hands on their long-awaited hit game, while others lazily wandered between booths, forming impassable barriers. Classic Essen Spiel, just as we remember it. This year, we didn’t have a booth. Instead, we primarily came to greet friends, strengthen our relationships with distributors, inform manufacturers that we might soon be employing their machines again, and of course, to add some titles to our library. 

Here are a few of our top picks:

Prey Another Day: This game stood out to us in the children’s category and lightweight games. We were entertained by it late into the night everywhere we went. It boasts a fresh game design and super simple rules with a touch of light strategy. A fantastic companion for train rides or an evening at a pub with beer.

Evacuation: On the opposite end of the complexity spectrum, this is a quintessential heavy Euro game. The premise is captivating: you start with a functioning economy and have to dismantle it and relocate it to another planet. The product design feels a bit rushed, but otherwise, it’s a fantastic brain-burner.

Mycelia: A successful midweight game about mushrooms. It has an intriguing area control mechanic, and its visual design, both in terms of graphic design and artwork, is impeccable. Highly recommended.

Happy gaming and storytelling!

Boardcubator community manager

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